Do you have the COURAGE to get in the best shape of your life?

Join 8,560 everyday men and women who have mastered their fitness once and for all.

Fitness Companies Don’t Want You to Know This,

But you can get in the best shape of your life…
Without buying a single supplement, app, gadget, or gym membership.

It takes only a few hours to master the keys,

And your health and fitness will never be the same again.

Imagine looking at yourself in the mirror,

And finally, being proud of your body.
Then getting around your friends and colleagues.
Who are either speechless or say things like:

“Whoa! I didn’t know you were so fit”

“When did you lose all that weight?”

“Damn, how did you get in such great shape?”

Not long from now,

You’ll walk to your kitchen
and effortlessly prepare a delicious meal,
which will not only taste great,
but will nourish every part of your body.
Later, you’ll do a short workout,
without any apps, trainers, or classes.
You’ll do it wherever you like.
And you’ll feel like you own it.
Best of all, you’ll spend the day feeling
energized, powerful, light.

In fact, your entire outlook on fitness will change.

‘Being fit’ will become a part of who you are, just
like the color of your eyes or the shape of your face
I know it sounds like a stretch,
But that’s exactly what happened to me…
and to thousands of others around the world.

Poor fitness. Low Confidence.

I think you and I have something in common.
I’m not a professional athlete, bodybuilder,
doctor, actor or any kind of celebrity.
I’m just a guy looking to stay in above average shape
Yet most of my life, I struggled with fitness.
I tried to eat healthy. I worked out a few times a week.
And I did everything I could think of to stay fit.
But despite all my efforts, my fitness was slipping.
I had put on some weight. I did not feel athletic.
And when I looked at myself in the mirror,
I was thoroughly unimpressed.
Worst of all, I started to think that
I didn’t have what it takes to be in good shape.
Meet your guide, Den Baklar

Today, things are totally different.

I feel energized, strong and ready for any adventure.
I eat what I love and work out in ways I enjoy.
And I’m not longer at the mercy of
hyped-up supplements and fake food products.
Because after investing waaaay too much time and effort,
I’ve finally mastered the secrets of great fitness.
And with confidence that my journey has given me,
I help others transform their lives, just like I transformed my own.




I want to be absolutely open with you…
Getting in shape is really quite easy.
Finding your way is the hard part.
It too me 7 years of round-the-clock effort.
Reading nearly 1,000 books, articles, and medical journals.
Suffering through dense studies, lectures, and videos.
Then visiting 40+ countries, to observe some of the heathiest…
and longest-living people on earth.
The process was so time-consuming and difficult that…
I often wished I could have just paid for the answers.
Unfortunately, that wasn’t an option for me.
So I resolved to make it an option for others.

To make it easy and fun for people to get in great shape.

If you too want to bypass the long learning curve

And master your fitness in record time
While you eliminate pretty much all fitness-related expenses…
Even if you think you don’t have the right genes
Or if you’ve tried and failed many times before…
Then I’d like to welcome you to Anti Fitness.
Welcome to:

Fitness Academy

Where you learn to
The first step to mastering fitness?
Ignore mainstream fitness advice.
This type of advice isn’t designed to get you in shape.
It’s designed to do one thing and one thing only – sell product.
That’s why the $70 Billion fitness and supplement industries…
make piles of money while most people never get in great shape.
These businesses profit from ignorance and confusion.
They put out millions of pieces of content…
Giving us crumbs but never the whole cake.
Their very survival depends on you never getting the full picture.
But if you get the keys…and there are only a handful…
Your progress can be swift, powerful.
Your learning curve can shoot up.
And very quickly, you can get in the best shape of your life.
By applying the Golden Keys that we’ll cover, I transformed my fitness in just a few months

Get Way More Out of Life

A strong, healthy body is ready for any adventure.
It can handle demanding activities, extreme sports, and long journeys.
It has enough energy to keep up with your kids.
To build this kind of body you must do your part
But you also need accurate information, so you…
Don’t waste time and effort on things that lead nowhere.
Caption here

Become an Icon of Fitness

When you apply the principles we discuss,
You’ll look good and feel great.

You’ll be celebrating your success, not explaining your failure.

With sincere admiration, your friends and family will ask:
“How did you do it? Can you show me the way?”
And with confidence earned through your own success,
You’ll be able to guide them to victory,
Staking your claim as a Master of Fitness.
Caption here

Add years to your life and life to your years.

Most fitness programs focus just on the outside.
We’re not going to do that.
We’ll cover how the healthiest people on earth eat,
So you can bulletproof yourself against disease,
The ‘One & Done Fitness Mastery Workshop’
will put yourself on a path to vitality…
Well on your way to 100, and even beyond.

Harness the Power of Your Mind

We see beautiful, fit people on our phone and TV screens
But when we buy into their programs we don’t get results.
Why is that?
Because we’re following someone else’s methods.
And that violates a crucial element of human psychology.
To succeed with a new fitness plan, you have to design it yourself.
It must fit in with your lifestyle and personal preferences.
It can’t be somebody else’s plan.
I’ll teach you to leverage the Core Drives of Human Behavior…
So you can transform your fitness and every other part of your life.
Caption here

The Best Doctor and YOU!

Many people think they need doctors, trainers, nutritionists…
or a PhD to get in great shape.
That’s simply not true.
All you need is to learn a few basic principles.
We call them the Golden Keys that unlock the Vault of Fitness.
Once you know what these principles are…
You can craft meals of unlimited variety,
Design your own workout routines,
And create a healthy lifestyle that has you feeling on top of the world.
You’ll love getting and staying in shape. Rather than following diets and workout plans you can’t stand, you’ll be designing ones you enjoy.
So I ask you again:

Do you have the courage to get in the best shape of your life?

Are you willing to step back from mainstream fitness advice,
Tune out the noise and the fake promises?
Will you invest a few hours and learn about the fundamentals?
Most people will not.
They will look for all kinds of diets, supplements, shortcuts.
And thousands of companies will take their hard-earned money.
Yet year after year, not much will change for these folks.
Their weight will stay the same.
The appearance – the same.
But that won’t be you.
I’ll give you everything you need to break this pattern,
So you can get fit on your own terms…and stay fit for life!

Learn at your own pace. Anywhere. Anytime.

Do you have the courage to get in the best shape of your life?

Hey, I’m Aden.

For over 2 decades, I’ve lived and breathed fitness. What I discovered is that there is only a handful of principles essential to building a lean, strong, and damn healthy body for life.
‘The One & Done’ Fitness Mastery Workshop is all about putting these principles to work for you; to bring you the strongest, healthiest, sexiest body possible.

It is designed to help you reach your highest potential no matter who you are or where you are with your fitness.

At the heart of this Workshop is the ‘FitAF Fitness Philosophy’ which involves dispensing with shortcuts, taking personal responsibility, learning a few basic principles, and being in charge of your own health.

If you’re ready to do your part, I’ll take you the rest of the way.

'The One & Done' Fitness Mastery Workshop doesn’t cost Thousands of Dollars; It costs less than your gym outfit.

Each of the 3 Modules is only $99.
And because my goal is to help as many people as possible…

I’m offering a 50% discount for a limited time.

Plus, if you buy Part I and Part II together…
you’ll get the Part III for only $1.

Yes, you get the entire 'The One & Done' Fitness Mastery Workshop

for only $99,

Which is normally the price I charge for each of the 3 modules

Get the Whole Workshop Today

(All 3 Parts)

ONLY $99

(or 3 payments of $49)

200% money-back guarantee.

When purchase the workshop, you do so RISK FREE, because I offer a 200% money back guarantee for up to 60 days.
If you don’t like the workshop, simply send us an email. We’ll refund your money and you’ll get to keep the materials. No questions asked.

7 Free Bonuses

Only if you sign up today

Free Bonus #1: 

Fit AF Meal Tracker

Forget all the calorie counting apps that are never totally accurate.

I spent 3 years developing a simple spreadsheet…

That gives you total control over your macros; just like the pros do it!

Use it to track anything from simple snacks to complete recipes.

Value: $175

Free Bonus #2: 

Food Shopping Mastery

The grocery store can be a tricky place. It’s easy to get distracted.

Before you know it, you’ve loaded your cart with all kinds of garbage.

Learn to shop like a true master, steering clear of the food industry’s traps…

And buying only the healthiest and highest quality food for life!

Value: $299

Free Bonus #3: 

Health Metrics Tracker

Don’t leave your good health in the hands of doctors or insurance companies

With this simple tool, you can take full responsibility for your well-being.

By tracking key markers over time…

You can spot potential problems before it’s too late.

Value: $99

Free Bonus #4: 

Gym Secrets Mini Course

Avoid hundreds or even thousands of wasted hours in the gym.

Discover tips and techniques to turbocharge gym-based workouts.

I’ll show you how to prepare for your workouts…

And how to get maximum results from the effort you put in.

Value: $99

Free Bonus #5: 

Figuring Out Your Calorie Needs

Do you know the first step in managing your weight?

Knowing exactly how much energy your unique body burns.

Learn the professional way to determine your calorie needs…

And you’ll be able to lose, gain, or maintain weight as you please.

Value: $99

Free Bonus #6: 

Fit AF Expert Eating Framework

The Food Industry wants to sell you thousands of products.

Most of them are either useless or downright harmful.

Learn to spot hidden dangers that can strip years from your life.

And never again be misled by labels, packages, or promotions.

With this framework, you will confidently eat only the best foods.

Value: $99

Free Bonus #7: 

Private Anti-Fitness Community

Transforming your fitness is more fun with others.

Join other students and help each other with questions…

Give and receive support, and get feedback from our team.

You get a free, lifetime membership with your purchase.

Value: $240 / year


Free You Sign Up Today

Get the Whole Workshop Today

(All 3 Parts)

ONLY $99

(or 3 payments of $49)

200% money-back guarantee.

One email. All your money back. No questions asked
Don’t just take our word for it…

Praise for 'The One & Done' Fitness Mastery Workshop:

At this point you have 2 options.

Option 1: Keep drinking the Fitness Industry’s ‘Kool-Aid’

Don’t take charge of your fitness destiny.
Continue to follow all kinds of pointless advice.
Miss out on getting in the best shape of your life.
Option 2: Try ‘The One & Done’ Fitness Mastery Workshop for 60 days.
Get a full refund if you think it was not worth it.
Learn to avoid the biggest fitness mistakes.
Bulletproof yourself against disease.
Discover the keys to look awesome, be strong, and live long.
And actually master your fitness in the next 60-90 days.
Sign up now. Takes less than a minute.

Get the Whole Workshop Today

(All 3 Parts)

ONLY $99

(or 3 payments of $49)

200% money-back guarantee.

One email. All your money back. No questions asked

Frequently Asked Questions

The workshop is made up of video lessons, assembled into 3 MODULES.

PART I – In this module, we will learn to become experts at eating, so we can not only transform our physical appearance, but also shield ourselves from disease and achieve unprecedented levels of vitality

This module contains 1 hour and 50 minutes of material

PART II – In this module, we leverage science to turbocharge fat loss, increase strength, and build muscle in the most efficient way possible. We’ll learn to maximize the effectiveness of our work-outs and how to combine nutrition and exercise for maximum benefit. 

This module contains 1 hour and 42 minutes of material

PART III – In this module, we cover the most dangerous traps the fitness industry uses to derail our plans. These traps are so tempting that even the best of us will often fall into them. But with the right tools, you can avoid them and stick to a plan that leads to a lifetime of health, strength, and longevity. 

This module is a bit shorter, with 42 minutes of material

Nope. Everything happens online, in the comfort of your chair, sofa, or hammock! The lessons are prerecorded and can be viewed on any device with an internet connection.

You can watch the workshop at any time you like, and replay it as many times as you like.

You can dedicate as much or as little time to the workshop as you want. Since you get lifetime access to all materials, there is no reason to ‘cram’ or rush through things.

Pick and choose the sections that interest you and come back to review them if you ever get stuck. 

You’ll have lifetime access to all of the materials, so you can replay them at any time you like.

And don’t worry about not having enough time; this is a self-study course that you can take on your own schedule.

I view fitness as a very simple affair. It is not mysterious. And it certainly isn’t reserved for an elite few. 

Unfortunately, the pursuit of a strong, lean, healthy body has become increasingly convoluted in the developed world.  This is the result of 2 forces working in unison: 

   1. lots of people looking for cheap, quick, easy solutions, and 

   2. a market that is all too willing to deliver them. 

How else would you explain a $30 Billion fitness club industry and a $40 Billion supplement industry in a nation where 2/3 of the population is either overweight or obese?

In my travels, I’ve met lots of people in third world countries who don’t have access to even a fraction of the resources that we do. And yet, they are lean, strong, and healthy. Why? Because they haven’t been inundated with all the bullshit. They just follow the basic principles that have been around since the beginning of time. No gyms. No supplements. No trainers. No Amazon Prime.

My approach, therefore, is to go back to basics. While others keep piling on supplements, exercises, and voodoo mind tricks, I follow the mantra of less is more. As someone once said, “Perfection is achieved, not when there is nothing more to add, but when there is nothing left to take away.”

I am none of those, and I truly believe it’s a plus. It helps me avoid a common trap known as confirmation bias. See, doctors like to prescribe pills, trainers are good at designing workouts, and nutritionists are all-too-focused on what you should and shouldn’t be eating. 

My approach is to study all disciplines and extract best practices from each one, in order to give myself (and my viewers) the best chance at achieving our goals. Everything I teach about in the book and the workshop is the result of research and backed by science. I don’t waste time with theories, ideas, or speculations. I synthesize finding from hundreds of sources into a useable form. 

If all my hard work can save you some time, money, and costly mistakes, I’ll consider my undertaking to have been well-worth the effort. But I’ll be just as happy if you got your information elsewhere. As long as you got it. 

This answer has 3 parts:

First, many of the before and after pics that are used for promotions are either mined from the internet of purchased for money. These visual testimonials are designed do two things: (1) “prove” that the program works and (2) make the reader believe that similar results are possible for them. The reader thinks: Hey if the big girl can do it, I can definitely do it. In reality, these pictures prove nothing.

Second, there is no way to control for everything the subjects in the photos eat or do while they’re on the program. I could ask someone to send before/after photos, but how would I know which exercises they really did, which foods they ate, and whether or not they took any steroids/drugs. I can’t possibly know that, and passing unverified testimonials to my viewers is tantamount to lying.

Finally, I believe that each person should be free to determine what the ideal body looks like for themselves. Just because someone else has popping glutes or 8-pack abs doesn’t mean it’s what you’re after. The principles I write about are universal and not tailored a particular physical ‘ideal.’ So out of respect for my readers, I refuse to peddle images with the implication that they somehow represent the ideal body shape.

I think it’s a great idea. 

Every professional athlete on earth has a trainer, and if you’re serious about a particular goal, then so should you. 

But before you go committing your hard-earned cash, understand that working with a trainer gives you certain responsibilities as well. 

Where most people go wrong is they think that working with a trainer will magically make them fit. That is simply not true. You have to learn the fundamentals of fitness and design your plan first, then hire a trainer to help you meet specific goals. 

If you make the small investment of money and time into this workshop, your sessions with a trainer will be exponentially more productive, saving you hundreds or even thousands of dollars. 

You can flood my inbox with hate mail, use posters of my face for target practice or, better yet, just ask for a refund!

I believe in providing maximum value to my students. If you check out the course and decide that you haven’t gotten your money’s worth, just email me for a full refund. No questions asked. 

Yes. All payments are handled through an encrypted connection by 2 of the most established payment processors out there – Paypal and Stripe. 

We don’t gather or store any of your information. In fact, we never even see it. All we get is a confirmation from the payment processor. 

Yes! Rather than buy the full course for the discounted price of $99, you can buy each module separately, as you go, for $49.

You can! The gift of fitness is one of the best gifts you can give, so we’ve made it extra easy for you. Just buy as you would for yourself, and then send us an email requesting to transfer the purchase. 

Absolutely. With the 60-day money back guarantee, you’re trying the course risk free. If you don’t like it for whatever reason, you have 60 days to ask for a refund and we’ll be happy to take care of it. Just email us here. 

When you buy the workshop, you can expect world-class service. Anything you need, just send us a message through the Contact Form in the Personal Account and we’ll be glad to help. You can also email me here.

Just hit the ENROLL button on this page to complete your payment, and you can start learning in less than 1 minute from now!

Get the Whole Workshop Today

(All 3 Parts)

ONLY $99

(or 3 payments of $49)

200% money-back guarantee.

One email. All your money back. No questions asked
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